Good things happen when businesses invest in their community and help it flourish.
Beyond its desire to give back to the community in which the company was founded and it has grown, these are some of the reasons that we're investing in Chattanooga, Tennessee.
Located in the heart of the Tennessee mountains, Chattanooga has transformed itself over the past 10 years from a tired industrial city – once ranked among the dirtiest cities in the United States – into a burgeoning technology hub known for its outdoor lifecycle and environmental friendliness.
Transcard mirrors Chattanooga’s fresh, on-the-move vibe and focus on technology. In turn, as a leader in payments technology, we're committed to help and invest in Chattanooga's community:
Transcard wasn’t always this involved in its community. Some might say the fast-growing company was under the radar. But a few years ago, our leadership decided to change all that.
Doing good in its community has been good for Transcard, too.
Transcard’s efforts to lift Chattanooga have caught the attention of in-demand workers across the Nashville and Atlanta regions, a hotbed of technology talent.
Chattanooga’s intimate, vibrant vibe appeals to a growing number of workers, particularly those in the technology space, where resources are scarce.
Our company hopes to double its number of developers, and received more referrals over the past year of workers tired of the bureaucracy or venture capital headaches at larger employers.
As our company grows, we plan to extend its investments in Chattanooga and encourage new initiatives that help grow and flourish our community.
If you want to see more from our company you can take a virtual tour of our local office space.
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