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Now Cities Can Enhance Constituent Service through Payments Automation

March 23, 2021

Imagine if cities delighted their constituents instead of just serving them.

What if each interaction you had with your city government could be:

  • Easy

  • Convenient

  • Transparent

  • Secure

While this may not sound like the experiences many of us are accustomed to when dealing with city government, forward-thinking cities across the United States are striving to delight their constituents.

Everyday, cities across the nation aim to offer a multitude of services to help improve the lives of everyone within their communities.

Access to social, economic, and cultural opportunities are top priorities for all city leaders.

With challenges such as the pandemic, wealth gaps, and technological setbacks these services and their potential to help individuals can suffer tremendously.

City governments need new methods to deliver services and government aid to residents in a contactless and more efficient manner.

Using a multi-rail payments solution is the way to solve these problems for any city government, and we're exciting to help cities by teaming up with City Possible, as part of their City Key Partner Program: Expediting Access to City Services.

5 Ways Multi-Rail Payment Solutions Delight Government Constituents

feature__v4--icon--yellow (4)More Payment Options

No one likes to be forced to do things a certain way.

Constituents want to pay and get paid in their preferred method:




accessReal-time Payments

accessInstant Payments

accessPaper Checks

In the past, supporting all these payment options was too costly and complex for most city governments.

Fortunately, today’s multi-rail payment solutions make it easy for city governments to offer their constituents seamless options for making and receiving payments.

Multi-rail payment solutions even support emerging payment methods such as digital wallets that are preferred by millennials and other younger constituents.

Payments for Services-Taxes-Tourists

feature__icon (2)Faster Payments

Everything moves faster these days, and payments should be no exception.

Based on their consumer experiences, constituents expect that it should only take a few clicks to set up their payments. They know that they shouldn’t have to wait for a paper check to wind its way through the postal service and the city government’s mailroom (and potentially get lost!) when digital payment options can be settled within moments.

Receiving payments from a city government should be just as fast, especially in a constituent’s greatest time of need.

Multi-rail payment solutions make this possible.

feature__icon (1)Greater Convenience

If a "city never sleeps" like the old saying goes, it makes no sense to stop making and receiving constituent payments at the end of the business day.

With multi-rail payment solutions, constituents can make payments at any time, from any location, via any device.

RTP transactions can be made and received 24/7/365 and settled within moments.

Constituents can also use a smartphone to instantly confirm that their payment was received, check on the status of a government payment, or access details on a previously received payment.

Group 125No more waiting until the next business day.

Group 125No more frustrating calls to a government call center.

Group 125No more confusion about how much they owe the city government.

how__works--v3__icon (4)Better Constituent Experience

City government employees spend so much time on manual, repetitive tasks that they have little time left for constituents.

It doesn’t have to be this way.

Multi-rail payment solutions eliminate the inefficiencies and complexity that consume staff time.

Built-in workflows route digitally route payments and related documents for review and approval – including digital signatures – based on pre-configured business rules. Digital payments can be effortlessly scheduled or posted and reconciled in real-time.

Remittance advices can be generated and delivered electronically to suppliers and constituents. And APIs, embedded payment capabilities and account-to-account integration with any ERP eliminates data silos and double keying of information, while accelerating processes.

All of these benefits give the city government employees the ability to spend more time assisting government constituents.

feature__v4--icon--yellow (3)Peace of Mind

Constituents want assurances that their payments and sensitive information are secure.

Using a multi-rail payment solution, constituents can rest easy knowing that the digital payments supported by their city government cannot be intercepted by fraudsters.

Not only that, but the PCI compliance and bank-grade security built into leading multi-rail payment solutions safeguard payments with access controls, data encryption, fraud detection tools, ID verification services (KYC), and more.

Who wouldn’t be delighted by an experience that is easy, convenient, transparent, and secure?

With multi-rail payment solutions, this is all possible.

With so many ways to not only serve, but delight city constituents, Transcard is looking forward to partnering with cities to help deliver exceptional experiences through payment automation.

We're proud to be teaming up with City Possible, pioneered by Mastercard, for the City Key Partner Program.

"Mastercard City Key is a payment program designed to help governments and local agencies unlock greater financial inclusion, community reach and engagement across a variety of segments. The solution helps local governments engage their residents more simply, inclusively, and cost effectively" reads the official overview.

"The Mastercard City Key Partner Program will use collective experience and partner resources to empower city leaders with information, tools, technology and services that will scale and streamline Mastercard City Key deployments faster and more effectively" it continues.

Member cities will now be able to discover what we and many more providers have to offer, browse use cases and how our solutions can help drive better experiences for cities across the US.


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